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Patient Support Services at A.A.A.R.C. provides quality care that allows clients to maintain independence and improve the quality of their lives.


  • Direct Counselling:-
  • Counselling services are facilitated by professionally-trained and experienced medical social workers. Some of the objectives of counselling are following.
  • To help the patients in mitigating the misconceptions regarding the disease and the method of treatment.
  • To help you in successfully handling practical and emotional issues connected to an illness.
  • To help with any concerns you may have about the care provided.
  • To listen to your complaints, suggestions or queries


  • Support Groups:-

Family and friends are always important when you suffer from an ailment.  But you may also find it beneficial to be in contact with others who share similar challenges. It has been shown that emotional support and open patient discussion of issues help an early healing from the illness and patients' quality of life.

Support groups are designed to provide a confidential atmosphere where patients can openly exchange information about their illness and the emotional ramifications of the disease, as well as practical issues.

At Dr Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre, Face-to-face as well as Internet support groups are designed to be educational and structured emphasizing emotional support and shared experience.


  • Awareness and Training programs:-

We aim to increase awareness in the community about the revolutionary concepts of Complementary Medicine and Optimum Health. Awareness and Well-being programs are planned, organised and conducted on a range of topics such as Importance of Diet, Role of Heredity in Asthma and Allergic diseases, etc.
We also organize a variety of training programs for the patients, their families and the general public. Most of these are provided at free of cost for the clients such as Short-term Yoga classes. 


  • Telephone support:-

Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre provides an information line designed to help patients and their families get medical information, emotional support and counselling. This Helpline service offers free, confidential and impartial advice, information and support from Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 5 pm





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