A veterinary doctor from Kannur,Dr.Indu, had consulted Dr. Abraham at his AARC center at Kochi.She was suffering from severe respiratory infections and other symptoms like the persistent cough, breathlessness when climbing stairs, tonsilitis,ear infections and was not able to carry on her daily routine activities. She was highly impressed by Dr. Abraham's methodology after reading his book on Asthma. She completed reading the book within hours. She was very happy to know that Dr.Abraham offers complete cure for asthma and soon contacted him the very next day itself.
Dr. Indu who have seen her father suffer from similar symptoms that she had now was on many allopathic medications . She did not want to continue with the allopathic medications fearing the severe side effects that it produces. And so she approached Dr. Abraham hoping for a new life which is free of tablets.
Spirometry is one very common and very effective test that could help in determining the lung functioning of a person. The forced vital capacity (FVC ) and the FEV1 (The forced expiratory volume in one second) can be found through the spirometry test. The FEV1 also helps in determining the level of asthmatic involvement in a person. The Spirometry test is also carried out extensively at the AARC and helps to analyze the severity of the symptoms in the patients. When Dr. Indu met Dr. Abraham on 19/04/2012 , she was also subjected to the spirometry test. At first her FVC value was 48 and her FEV1 value was 53. The normal percentage values of FVC and FEV1 should be near 100%..Dr. Indu was thus diagnosed with chronic bronchial asthma.
Diet counseling was provided to Dr. Indu by the expert doctors of the AARC. The diet of the patient was also suitably altered and she was given proper advice as to what she could consume and what she could not during her treatment period. She was then prescribed very safe and suitable homeopathic medications. Dr. Abraham and his team of doctors also prescribed suitable vitamins that could make the patient healthy and boost her immune system too. She was also given classes on Yoga therapy and was taught some breathing exercises too. The role of hydro therapy and how it helps in relieving the symptoms was also taught to the patient. Dr. Indu came back for a follow up visit after three months on 18/07/2012. She was seen much more healthier and happier as all her symptoms had drastically reduced. She was very systematic in her diet and took the medicines without fail. She also did not forget the hydro therapy everyday. Dr. Abraham once more took the spirometry test , just to see the change in the values. The patient had shown more than 70% increase and her FEC and her FEV1 values were 78 and 70 respectively. Dr. Abraham too was very happy about the progress shown by his patient and congratulated her on her systematic effort. Dr. Indu still is undergoing treatment under Dr. Abraham as she is nearing complete cure from all her asthmatic symptoms. Now she is able to carry on her daily duties both at home and Clinic.
Dr. Indu during her second follow up visit bought along her father Mr. Karthikeyan. He was a chain smoker and had severe asthma for the past three decades. He was also on high dose inhalers and other allopathic medications .Currently he also has spondylitis.
The spirometry test was also conducted on Mr.Karthikeyan and his first set of FVC and FEV values were 42 and 28 which were very low. Dr. Abraham instilled hope and also assured the patient that he could completely bring in considerable improvement in his condition. as Mr. Karthikeyan was diagonosed as a patient of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or the COPD. (COPD is one condition that arises because of smoke). Diet counseling was provided to him and his diet was altered accordingly. He was prescribed safe and harmless homeopathic medications and was also taught yoga therapy too. Mr.Karthikeyan came back for a follow up visit on 18/07/2012 as a very relieved person.
He also mentioned Dr. Abraham that he is feeing very fit and healthy and is able to do household chores without any effort or breathlessness. The entire family was relived and very happy. Once again the spirometry test was conducted on Mr. Karthikeyan and there were positive changes in his values.His FVC and FEV1 values had shown good improvement and the values were 50 and 36 respectively. Currently he is undergoing and continuing the treatment under Dr. Abraham and is very happy about the progress of the treatment.
"Dr.Abraham listens to the grievances of each patient with rapt attention and suggests solutions for the same.The confidence and positive energy that he infuses in each patient helps in the speedy recovery of the illness and that makes the centre unique.Wishing you all the very best..."- Dr.Indu