Complementary Medicine is a system of health care which combines the therapies and philosophies of conventional medicine with those of alternative medicines. The objective of Complementary Medicine is to enhance and improve the ability of the patient to heal or be relieved of symptoms. When merged with conventional medicine, complementary therapies offer a more integrated approach to cure.
Dr Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre provides this revolutionary system of medical care which is proven to be an enormous success in last thirty years. The following therapeutic techniques are exercised under the expertise of an interdisciplinary team of eminent professionals from various disciplines from Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Vita-Nutrient Therapy, Naturopathy, Diet Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Acupuncture, and Counselling.
Attending the free-medical clinic in Urumbikkara run by Dr Abraham is considered to a defining moment in my life. My family was in such a...