Case Studies

Housewife recovered from Pseudo Gout

74-year old lady Mercy was leading a troublesome life caused by the joint pain since last fourteen years. The problem grew worse since last year. Even though she was under Allopathic medication, she could not find any relief along with the increased pain and tiredness. Mercy was also suffering from recurring Apthous Ulcers. On physical

Lady who faced the threat of uterus removal

Ladhika came to know about Dr Abraham though her sister who got cured from his treatment. She was a 45 year old lady having severe abdominal pain since last six months. The doctor who consulted her previously advised to perform a biopsy since her uterus was big in size. The USG report showed Bulky Uterus

Person having a 20-year history of Eczema

George is a 48-year old male from a middleclass family. He was suffering from Eczema since last 20years. He had tried Allopathy and Ayurveda, but nothing could help him to achieve the cure. On physical examination, multiple lesions with dryness, cracks and watery bloody discharge were found on his skin. The treatment with Complementary Medicine

38 year lady got cured from Hepatitis

38-year old lady Aleena came with the complaint of recurrent tremors, loss of appetite and flatulence. She had undergone the treatment of several doctors, but none of it saw any light of improvement. Aleena’s detailed case history was taken during her first visit to Dr Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre. It was realized that

30 year old individual having Prolapsed Disc

Eldhos was suffering from low-back ache since last five years. Working as office clerk, this problem troubled him deeply that he could not even sit and work. He was desperate about this. Even though Eldhos did not have any past history of any illness, it was significant that his brother has Bone Tuberculosis. The case

51 year old Lawyer with Cirrhosis

Vasudev did not have any hope when he sought the consultation of Dr Abraham. He was rejected from a reputed hospital since they could not help him to overcome from his critical condition. Vasudev’s relative who is a Paediatrician referred him to Dr Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre. The presenting complaint of Vasudev was

55 year old lady cured from Osteoarthritis

Jaya came to Dr Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre when her doctor advised her to do Knee Joint Replacing. She was not willing to undergo such a surgery and at the same time she was exasperated of her joint pain (knee and back) which she was suffering from since several years. She was not

Teacher with Bronchial Asthma alternates Eczema

Vinodh came to know about Dr Abraham through his friend who got cured under his treatment. He was 39-year old school teacher who experiences Asthma with Eczema since last eight years. The disease was poorly affecting her profession and he was in an awful mental state. The patient was sobbing with disgust and grief while

4 year old boy with Chronic Supprative Otitis Media

Parents of Master Alwin were in a distressed mental state when they brought the child to Dr Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre. The child was experiencing severe ear pain with purulent discharge since 6-months of age. With Allopathic treatment, the discharge has been stopped leaving  him with recurrent ear pain which made the ENT

10 months old baby with recurrent Tonsillitis

When Baby Serah was brought to Dr Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre, she was having recurrent Tonsillitis. Her tonsils had inflamed and infected. The baby had a family history of which her mother with Sinusitis and her brother with Otitis. A customised treatment plan was prepared and the baby was prescribed with Vita-nutrients, Homeopathic


Mr. Joseph, Businessman, Kottayam

My son was suffering from Asthma and allergy problems until his ten years of age. We were in a desperate state and visited many hospitals....


