Dr. Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre provides a multi-faceted treatment which combines the essences of Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Vita-Nutrient Therapy, Acupuncture, Yoga Therapy, Diet Therapy and Counselling. This system of healing is a synthesis of all currently known ‘pathies’ which uses the least number of medicines in minimum doses. Only this revolutionary and successful system of medicine can assure that an effective treatment be prescribed, health restored in the shortest possible time and the use of costly and poisonous medicines is kept away.
Wellness and Optimum Health
Optimum health is defined as an individual’s sum total of physical, emotional and mental health abilities at its peak. It refers to the health goals that a person can realistically achieve to experience their personal best.
Wellness is a process that involves a high degree of Health and Wellness Skills for improving and maintaining harmony and balance in all the significant areas of our life. When all dimensions of wellness are in harmony, we attain a greater degree of balance, which enables us to live and enjoy our life to the full. This is the phase where we accomplish the Optimum Health.
Dr. Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre is unlike other medical institutions or treatment routines that only treat disease. Dr. Abraham has assembled a team of proficient professionals to help you give a customized treatment plan to achieve and maintain optimum health.
Dr. Abraham has an undefeatable medical experience of 30 years in providing treatment for the chronic Asthma and Allergy diseases. He has successfully managed more than 100,000 adult Asthma cases and produced cent percent results in the cure of about 50,000 paediatric Asthma patients. His clientele includes patients from all over the world who have achieved complete cure and satisfaction from Complementary method of treatment.
At Dr. Abraham’s Asthma & Allergy Research Centre, the proficient team of medical professionals led by Dr. Abraham provide the specialized treatment for the following diseases.
Mr. Joseph, Businessman, Kottayam
My son was suffering from Asthma and allergy problems until his ten years of age. We were in a desperate state and visited many hospitals....